Kevin is Jo's son, though he now regards me as being his dad, and I regard him as my son.
We have a normal father son relationship, we argue and shout at each other, but help each other 5 minutes later.
Kevin moved with Jo and I to Spain in June 2004 and started normal school in the September. He impressed his teachers and us, by becoming a fluent Spanish speaker in just 3 months.
Kevin loves Swimming, Bowling, Tai Kwan Do, Rugby,Football, Basketball - but as he is a normal teenager, his loves in life change faster than his socks! We never know what his current favourite sport is.
Kevin passed his PADI junior diver exams in April 2004, and has dived with me in the Canaries, Spain and Australia.
In 2009 at age 16 Kevin is now 6 foot, 2 inches and wears a size UK12 in shoes, at least it means he no longer "borrows" my clothes and shoes!
2010 he started running, working out in his home gym and playing the guitar.
2011 Kevin was still very much into his home gym and playing the guitar. He now has an acoustic guitar and an electric one which he used to let us know he is in the house.
2012 Kev now has 3 acoustic and his electric guitar. He has now passed his PADI advanced open water course
2013 Kevin moved to Valencia to become a party arranger and bar manager
- Kevin moved back home
- Passed his drivers test at first attempt.
- He trained to become a PADI divemaster.
- Kevin has now left home and gone to live and work in Vienna in Austria.
- Kevin moved back home
- Spent the summer working at Ascot & Munich
- Went to work as an intern at a dive centre in Tenerife
- Met his new lady - Lienie
- House sat for us while we travelled to the far east
- Kevin went to the Philippines to become a dive instructor
Kevin worked as a dive instructor in the Philippines
Kevin became a SDI Instructor Trainer (very high qualification in scuba diving)
Kevin worked in the Philippines for the first half of the year, then travelled across Canada visiting his new girlfriend Maddy in Lunenburg, the visited family in Windsor, St.Andrews, Ottawa, Windsor, Red Lake and Nelson BC, then back to Lunenburg.
Kevin moved to Lunenburg and joined the local fire brigade as a volunteer.
Kevin starts adoption process to make me his father.
Adoption approved.